“Dear Santa” is a funny Christmas movie directed by Bobby Farrelly. It was written by Ricky Blitt, Jack Black, and Peter Farrelly. The movie stars Jack Black, Keegan-Michael Key, Robert Timothy Smith, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Austin Post, and P.J. Byrne.
It Was released on November 25, 2024, by Paramount+ and brings a lot of laughs and holiday cheer.
Storyline: A young boy sends his Christmas wish list to Santa, but he makes a big spelling mistake. Instead of Santa, a naughty Jack Black shows up and causes trouble during the holidays.
When Did Dear Santa Filmed?
The movie was filmed in the spring of 2023. Even though it was warm, the crew made the locations look like winter wonderlands.
Where was Dear Santa Filmed?
The movie was made in Georgia, USA. Some of the most important places include Decatur Square and Samuel M. Inman Middle School. Let’s look at these places and what scenes were filmed there.
1. Decatur Square, Decatur, Georgia
Decatur Square is a historic district in Decatur, Georgia. It is the heart of the city and is home to many shops, restaurants, and cafes. The square is also home to the Decatur Courthouse and the Decatur Public Library.
- Scenes Filmed: Decatur Square was used for the carnival scenes. The fun and festive look of the square fits perfectly with the Christmas theme of the movie. Other scenes were filmed in Decatur. Its pretty neighborhoods add to the cheerful holiday feeling of the movie.
2. Samuel M. Inman Middle School, Atlanta, Georgia
Address: 774 Virginia Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306, United States
Samuel M. Inman Middle School is a public middle school in Atlanta, Georgia which was founded in 1949. It is located at 774 Virginia Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30306, and has a 4.2-star rating on Google Maps.
- Scenes Filmed: The outside of this middle school was used for some scenes. It looks like a classic neighborhood school and fits well in the story.
3. Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia, is a lively city full of history, culture, and fun. Known as the “City in a Forest,” it has lots of trees and nature. It’s famous for being the home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a top spot for movies and TV shows. Atlanta also has amazing food like fried chicken and peach cobbler, making it a great place to visit!
- Scenes Filmed: Some shots of the city were filmed here. Atlanta adds a lively and busy feel to the movie.
Dear Santa Behind-the-Scenes Insights
On March 12, 2023 Movie star Jack Black shared some behind-the-scenes photos on his Instagram account as you can see here:-
Why Was Georgia Chosen for Dear Santa Filming?
Georgia has lots of beautiful places and is a popular spot for movies. Decatur Square and Samuel M. Inman Middle School were perfect for “Dear Santa.” They made the story look real and festive.
If you like Jack Black, funny stories, or Christmas movies, you’ll love this one. And if you visit Georgia, you can see these special places from the movie in real life!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)-
Q: Where was Dear Santa filmed?
A: This movie was filmed in Georgia, USA, with locations including Decatur Square, Samuel M. Inman Middle School, and other areas in Decatur and Atlanta.
Q: When did Dear Santa premiere?
A: The movie premiered on November 25, 2024.
Q: Who stars in Dear Santa?
A: The film stars Jack Black, Keegan-Michael Key, Robert Timothy Smith, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Austin Post, and P.J. Byrne.
Q: When Did Dear Santa Start Filming?
A: Filming began in the spring of 2023, with shooting starting in March.